Lensless imaging to study nanometer-scale material dynamics

We have positions opened for post docs, undergraduate, graduate students in the Physics and Astronomy Department. We are developing lensless or coherent diffraction imaging to study materials dynamics. We use coherent light sources (x-ray, XUV, and optical), Fourier Optics, and computer algorithms to produce nanometer scale images of materials lens-lessly.
Post doctoral, graduate and undergraduate student position projects available:

We are studying metals at the nanometer scale to understand how and where structural materials fail. Using a lensless x-ray imaging technique known as Bragg coherent diffraction imaging, we are imaging the strain in metal grains under tension, compression, or high heat environments. This technique can currently provide 3D strain imaging at few nanometer resolution. Under support from the United States Department of Energy's Basic Energy Sciences Program, we are pushing this technique towards atomic resolution and in multiple grains.
Meeting times: Every other Wednesday, 8:00 am (Zoom and N261 ESC).
Lead Student: Nick Porter (multi-grain reconstruction experiments), Jason Meziere (atomic resolution simulation).
Funding: Department of Energy – Basic Energy Sciences.

We use single, ultrafast x-ray pulses from an x-ray free electron laser to image materials while they are being shocked with high power laser systems. This research has applications to inertial confinement fusion energy applications. It is funded by the Department of Energy through SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
Meeting times: Every other Friday, 9:00 am (Zoom and N261 ESC).
Lead Student: Daniel Hodge.
Funding: Department of Energy – Fusion Energy Sciences.

Meeting times: Thursdays, 3:00 pm (U150 ESC).
Lead Student: Taylor Buckway, Aaron Redd.

New, intense and coherent x-ray sources are enabling x-ray quantum optics. In collaboration with Dr. Ryan Camacho of BYU Electrical and Computer Engineering, we are looking into the possibility of using these source to do quantum x-ray imaging including ghost imaging.
Meeting times: Every other Monday, 3:00 pm, Webex (ask Dr. Sandberg for link).
Lead Student: Abi Mae Hardy.
Funding: Department of Energy.